Congratulations! Welcome to the Seren Academy!

The Seren Academy

The Seren Academy is a Welsh Government initiative dedicated to helping Wales’s most able learners achieve their full academic potential and support their education pathway into leading universities in the UK, and overseas – learners like YOU.
Join The Seren Academy by registering with
Complete your profile on Seren Space
Explore what's on offer - groups, resources, events, opportunities and more!

Create your own profile

Fill in your details to create your own profile on Seren Space. The information you give at registration will help tailor your Seren Space experience.

Join groups relevant to you

Join groups based on your local area, your school year and academic interests so you can learn all about the opportunities relevant to your academic journey.

Access useful resources

Explore Seren Space’s bank of resources about preparing for university, wellbeing and finance, as well as on-demand masterclasses from Seren events.

Sign up for exciting events and apply for impactful opportunities

Seren Space’s events and opportunities calendar will let you register for events in your area and further afield, such as masterclasses and summer schools.

Learn about the summer school programme

Explore Seren’s exciting summer school programme developed in collaboration with leading universities in the UK and overseas.

Download the app

Download the Seren Space app to see all Seren has to offer right at your fingertips. It couldn’t be easier!